Friday, June 22, 2012


Today was a good one.  We visited Luly and Williamson, two communities that we have been to before.  It was wonderful to see familiar faces and have them remember Jason and I and then to introduce them to our kids.  Kate and Cam did AWESOME, which is not a shocker, but Brooklyn definitely surprised us the most.  She had a crowd around her in Luly and figured out how to ask them their names in Creole.  They repeatedly asked her her name, I think just to hear her voice.  The Haitian kids were enamored with her and it was great to see her approach it with confidence.  I was incredibly proud to me the mom of these three kids and can't wait to watch them see and experience more.

Highlights for today....
-Watching Brooklyn
-Eating watermelon
-Having cake with ice cream for dessert.... a REAL treat
-Being here with my family


  1. Thanks so much for starting this! Can't wait to follow your journey and how we can be praying for all of you!

  2. Amazing! Love you guys!

  3. Thanks for sharing Jen! Kepler and I LOVE looking at this picture of Brooklyn. He says, "I sleep in Brooklyn's bed." and then smiles at her with all those kids. This is so amazing. I am praying steadily for you and Jason and the direction God has for you/us in Haiti.
